Front-End Developer

Liliia Bilous

Seeking to leverage my self-taught expertise in web development, acquired since the summer of 2022, into a professional role. Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with hands-on experience in crafting diverse web pages. Committed to staying updated with the latest web technologies and adept at designing visually appealing websites. Possess experience in collaborating effectively within a team environment, enhancing my independent work on web application functionality and interface.

Latest Projects

  1. Portfolio project ............ [ HTML5, SASS, JS, Webpack ]
  2. Test Task for a Junior Front-End position ............ [ HTML5, SASS, JS, Webpack ]
  3. Top cafes Ukraine ............ [ HTML5, CSS3, Vue.js, Vite, Pinia ]
  4. Kottans project - DOM .................... [HTML, CSS, JS, DOM ]
  5. Kottans project - Burger menu without JS .................... [HTML5, CSS3 ]

My certificates

  1. FreeCodeCamp - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures .............. [JS, ES6 ]
  2. FreeCodeCamp - Responsive Web Design ............ [ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  3. English course .................... [Intermediate level B1 ]

Education Experience

Front-End Self-education

September 2022 - up to now | Ukraine

  • Webpack
  • SASS
  • Pinia
  • Vue.js 3
  • Vue Router
  • Vite
  • Async & Await
  • DOM
  • JavaScript Basics, ES6
  • Responsive Web Design
  • BEM methodology
  • CSS animation
  • Flexbox, Grid Layout
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Git Basics and GitHub

Previous work


B&B Sales Manager

January 2019 - September 2022 | Kyiv, Ukraine


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Chemistry department

September 2013 - June 2019 | Kyiv, Ukraine